The 37th annual Bread and Honey Parade was held on Saturday, June 5 at 10 am in the village of Streetsville, Mississuaga. The parade is just one of many events in the three day celebration.
This is the 1st time that the Tian Guo Marching Band participated. Spectators along the route gave band members a warm welcome. A woman named Elaine commented, "I saw them (Tian Guo Marching Band) in different parades. I felt excited every time I saw them and was eager to dance with their rhythms". Her two friends added, "They are the best"!
Another woman was watching the parade wit her young twin sons, who were clapping excitedly. She told a reporter, "I have been seeing the Falun Gong in parades since the beginning of my pregnancy and each time I felt very excited and proud. Their team is disciplined, large and clean. I felt bad that they are being persecuted in China. In fact, I have started to read the Falun Gong books and learn the exercises now".
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