Tulip Festival Performance, Ottawa, May 18, 2008
Every spring, Canada's capital city, Ottawa, hosts the largest Tulip Festival in the world with the theme of International Friendship. www.tulipfestival.ca/en/index.php This year more than 3 million tulips were displayed at various venues from May 12-19. Festival spokesman Doug Little stated that over 250, 000 visitors attended the festivities.
The Tian Guo Marching Band of Canada was invited to perform at Dows Lake from 1:00-2:00 P.M. on May 18, 2008. After a standing performance of "O' Canada", "Maple Leaf Forever" and several other tunes, the band continued to play while marching through the festival grounds. Over 200 onlookers watched with glee and gave the band a hearty welcome, applauding after each song.
Tulip Festival president Teri Kirk watched the entire performance and then said, "We are pleased the band could come and march. This is one of the strongest audiences we have had all week".
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